Thursday, July 26, 2018

You Wrote a Poem Too!

You sat there staring at a tiny box and a blinking cursor,

asking yourself what you should write to get her off your back,

she stared back at you with starry eyes and more love than

you have ever seen on a single person's face. you remembered

how beautiful she had been in your dream and how happy

she was when she heard about the cupcake that was there

without really being there at all. Suddenly the words just ran

from your mind to your fingers to the screen. that was it,

a poem about the dream, about her being there with you

even though she was still 16,000 miles away.

You sat there scratching your head at what she would think

and when she read it she had to fight tears from the joy

bubbling from within her soul. I know you sat there blankly,

 completely confused as to how anyone could possibly

find enjoyment in opening their veins and bleeding

into a typewriter, but I thank you so very much

for giving it a chance.

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