Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Remembering one August

"How do you always do that?" I asked out of the blue one night.

"What?" you asked in pure confusion. "Make me laugh when I

don't even want to breathe." I explained simply.

"That's easy," you smiled, "All you do is care for someone

with all your heart." Your face went completely blank for a moment

and both of our worlds were silent in the stillness

unlike ever before.

I sighed playfully, "Be careful. If you keep talking like that

people will think you're in love." You laughed quietly

as if only to yourself, "I am," you answered.

Again there was silence.

"Lucky person," I whispered, trying not to show my pain.

"Yes," you smiled, "Yes, you are."

But I hate that there were so many miles between us at that moment,

because if you had been with me I would have hugged you and

let those words I swore I'd never say flood from my lips until both of us

were laughing so much that we lay there crying in each others arms

while grinning from ear-to-ear. If only you had been closer I would have

kissed you and been perfectly fine with the stillness as it attempted

to swallow us whole thinking that the world would carry on just fine

without us for a while. Even now, all this time later, I still

believe that is the most beautiful thing you have ever said:

"It's easy. All you do is care about someone with all your heart"