Saturday, June 21, 2014

Strangers Sitting at the Bar

If I could hug shadows life would be so much easier and feelings would be so much stronger than they already are. You think that you understand, but you just don't. I'm sorry but you don't and somehow I don't think you ever will. Our stories were penned in different ink on pages much more varied than day or night have ever been from each other. To you photographs are nothing more than songs you hear with your eyes and love is no more than chemicals running through a brain much like alcohol does on a lonely night when you have nothing to do besides remember everyone who ever wronged you and exactly how they did so. If I could hear walls whispering back to me the secrets they told about you would still be just as shallow as the words you write so carelessly when you think I'm reading without comprehention. But you just... you don't get it. You fail to realize that all I want is to help you, to understand, to be equals in this realm of chaotic reality. If I could see ghosts they would represent the lover you lost in that war that just never needed to be fought and the mother someone else never met and if I am lucky there would be one of the person you were when we first met. That way everywhere we go there is someone to talk to, to commiserate with, to mourn. So that neither of us lose our sense of humanity nor become so numb that living becomes completely unbearable. I told you, Love, you wouldn't understand. But you see, rambling in my madness is the only the only thing I have left to keep any sense of sanity I have ever had. If I could hug shadows would I be any less lonely? If I could hear walls whispering back to me would you hear it too? If I could see ghosts would I see myself in all my despair?

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