Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Pennies For a Poet's Thoughts

Do you really want my honest answer? Are you sure? Well, first you need to be warned that these words will never apply to you and they will always apply to you. Before I explain what I am thinking right now, I need you to know I love you, I only ever want the very best for you, even when I seem just a tiny but too harsh. Really, I cannot tell you until you understand that even every word used to describe the glory of their so called "God" will never do you the justice I not only believe but whole heartedly know without a shadow of a doubt that you deserve. Darling, you asked me what is traveling through my mind right this moment, but I have already thoroughly briefed you on the weather, you already know where you are in my heart, and still you wonder where my thoughts might be at any moment?

This is precisely why I love you even half as much as I do. Thank you for making me smile every chance you get. You are in my every thought.

1 comment:

  1. i couldn't have said it better myself, MEEP!!!
