Saturday, July 26, 2014

In the Vortex

I know you aren't on now, but I hope you will find this soon.I am so used to being sad and upset, alone and hating myself for every little thing but something happened today and i'm not sure exactly what it was but it made me happy not like made me smile but it made me truly happy. I really love you and I will miss you like crazy but I cant wait to be with my family with the people who love me and care about me. The ones I missed meeting when I was growing up because of nap times and play groups and school. the ones I should be eating dinner with and seeing every day. I cant wait until you are this happy with me. because then the world will be in the palm of our hands. right now I am so happy words can barely describe it. its a feeling I don't ever want to let go of. I know you are busy right now, but you are going to read this eventually and I hope it makes you smile if nothing else. I hope that when you read it you are having a wonderful day and that you are happy. I know its all random and long and rambly but I need to tell someone and who better to tell, than the person I love with all my heart, with every fiber of my being now and forever?

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