Monday, April 16, 2018

The Trash Can Understands Also

Take all these things you feel whether you want to feel them or not and get them out of your system. You can beat up the ice in the freezer or rip up old newspapers. You can write or paint or draw or sing or cry or scream, anything you need to get it boiled up and out of your system. Just promise me that when you're done, you'll give yourself some time to talk about it with someone. That way it doesn't hurt so much next time. Because we're all going to have bad days, and there's nothing wrong with that, but knowing how to handle them is what allows us to shine even brighter during them. No one is judging you, no one is mad or upset with you for today's burst, but we do still want the best for you no matter what else comes our way through you and your emotions, thoughts, or ideas. 

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