Monday, December 11, 2017

Collecting Dust and Silence

Listen, today I played the CDs you left behind and I understand why you like them so much. It's not that you just wanted to be different (even though that's at the top of the mile long list of things you excelled at.) It's not even that you wanted to scare people away with the countless things that genre implies to the outside world. But really it's something much more than that because it's the first group that really seems to get you. They know your mistakes and the beautifully dangerous habits you formed when you were "young". They knew who you were before you knew the truth and they remind you that there is still hope - even in the darkest of their melodies. Today I played the CDs you left behind, I hope that you don't mind. And today it finally made sense why you and the pen got along so well. and why you only showed me one of their songs while you were here. If you ever come back, can we talk before you leave again?

I have a song I'd like you to listen to with me. 

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