100 Days of Poetry Challenge Prompts 2019

The goal of this challenge is to build off of NaPoWriMo and get in the habit of writing a poem a day while also trying to improve your skills. The prompts are not necessary, though I've come to notice they have been great assistance when you're not actually all that inspired, yet you are motivated.  It's never too late to give this a try and I hope I'll be able to do this again next year!
  1. A poem about yourself
  2. A poem about love
  3. A poem about a stranger
  4. A poem about being happy
  5. A poem about a reflection
  6. A poem about a special memory
  7. A poem about the dark
  8. A poem about trust
  9. A poem about a character flaw
  10. A poem about dreams
  11. A poem about animals
  12. A poem about a color
  13. A poem about a season
  14. A poem about a place
  15. A poem about a TV show
  16. A poem about a journey
  17. A poem about hope
  18. A poem about your town
  19. A poem about your house
  20. A poem about a book
  21. A poem about strength
  22. A poem about an alien
  23. A poem about a look
  24. A poem about water
  25. A poem about a teacher
  26. A poem about a friend
  27. A poem about Fantasy
  28. A poem about an argument
  29. A poem about the weather 
  30. A poem about a relationship
  31. A poem set on New Year's Eve
  32. A poem set in a foreign country
  33. A poem about a wish
  34. A poem about your favorite place
  35. A poem about a building
  36. A poem about a word or text
  37. A poem about the past
  38. A poem about the future
  39. A poem about a piece of furniture
  40. A poem about a job
  41. A poem about the last person you spoke to
  42. A poem about an experience
  43. A poem about your favorite teacher
  44. A poem about a question
  45. A poem about something you've lost
  46. A poem about a fairytale
  47. A poem about a street 
  48. A poem set in space
  49. A poem about a locked door
  50. A poem about buried treasure
  51. A poem about the best day of your life
  52. A poem about a poem
  53. A poem about a habit
  54. A poem about a time you felt proud
  55. A poem about a song
  56. A poem about a mythical creature
  57. A poem about being lost
  58. A poem about a promise
  59. A poem to inspire
  60. A poem about a secret
  61. A poem about a machine
  62. A poem about a night out
  63. A poem about a present
  64. A poem about food
  65. A poem about a phone call
  66. A poem about a night in
  67. A poem about letting go
  68. A poem about midnight
  69. A poem about the first day of something new
  70. A poem about being alone
  71. A poem about someone you are thankful for
  72. A poem about saying goodbye
  73. A poem about a chance encounter
  74. A poem about a letter
  75. A poem about a photograph
  76. A poem about an item of clothing
  77. A poem about the seaside
  78. A poem about a link
  79. A poem about a passion
  80. A poem about a poem about a smell
  81. A poem about an awkward situation
  82. A poem about a lesson you learned
  83. A poem about someone you haven't seen in a while
  84. A poem about a room of your house
  85. A poem about life
  86. A poem about community
  87. A poem about a superpower
  88. A poem from you now to a younger version of you
  89. A poem about an adventure
  90. A poem about a sound
  91. A poem about a quality you admire
  92. A pome about nostalgia
  93. A poem to uplift you
  94. A poem about something you observe today
  95. A poem about sleeping somewhere other than home
  96. A poem about a kiss
  97. A poem to an older version of you
  98. A poem about coffee or tea
  99. A poem about whiskey, wine, or water
  100. A poem about the feeling of success

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